

And again few of my swaps card.

The first one is sent by Anna from Poland. It shows the famous cartoon Reksio.

The second one came from Alina from Belarus.

Big size cards

I was very surprice by recieving of this two cards. The two are unordinary big size form me. It's A5 size of paper. :)

The beauties of the Netherlands

My beloved Sankt Petersburg and bridge

Stamps everywhere you look... Ukraine
1100 years old city of Saalfeld. 
Past time in the Netherlands
  The Tower of BelĂ©m in capital of Portugal 
Panoramatic Minsk

Little bit of interesting places for visit

City of artist, beautiful Wiemar
One of the oldest city in south-eastern part of Denmark- Fredericia
Chinesse mountains, like in the heaven
Colorful doors in Ireland
Belgium- Netherlands border village.

From two new corners of the world

University in Moscow

Mouse from Germany, so sweet. :)

Sunset in Romania

Cathedral in Siena

Animals and cityviews

Pink dolphin from Hong Kong.

Russian lynx

