
Black and White

On Wednesday I also recieved one of swaps card. This time from "my neighbour"- Germany. It's sweet black and white card with cat and mouse. I don't know why, but I like it. :) And also it has really crazy and nice stamp.
Thanks a lot Chrissi.

Colorful night

When I today arrived home I found in postbox beautiful card from the United States of America. It's amazingly colorful I fall in love with this card imediatelly. It traveled 7 days.

I'm tree doctor :)

Yesterday I recieved a card with some bird from Findland. I don't know what kind of bird it is, but it looks like a woodpecker. When I was a little child I called this bird Tree doctors. That's why I chose that title of this article. It traveled 4 days.

Monday's animals

This monday I recieved two cards with animals. The first one with penguins is from the other side of the world- Australia. I really like it. And for mi it's special, because it's "Maxicard". I have never seen it before. This card was traveling to me for 7 days.
 Next card with painted wolf came from the Netherlands. It traveled 6 days.

Finland for the third time

On Friday came card from Finland. This time with pictures from the capital- Helsinki. It traveled 8 days.

Turkish mosque

On Thurdsday I recieved beautiful card from Turkey. It's detail of docoration in a mosque. I like also the stamps- one with some "monument" in Izmir and second with a flower. It traveled 7 days.
And also thanks to writer for sentence in turkish. ;)

Wednesday surprice

Last week on wednesday I recieved trinity of beautiful postcards. 

The first one comes from China. It's not tipical postcard picture, but I really like it. And also it has beautiful stamps some red characters of chinesse alphabeth in golden frame. 
It traveled about 27 days.

The second is from Belarus, written in russian and I recieved here tipe for the author of historic-fantastic books. I check him on google and I think I'll read something by him. And nice stamp with polar bear. It traveled 7 days.

The last is from Russia, shows Yessentuki mineral water resort. It has interesting stamp with gold anchor on blue field. It traveled about 17 days.


I'm sending cards...

Hi guys,
today I sent six new cards. Four in postcrossing and 2 are swaps. I usually trying to accept the wishes of recievers. So I hope they will like this.
This cards are going to Russia, Belorus, USA, Germany and Lithuania. I hope all will be delivered. Because I have some problem with delivering card to Russia.


Swap from Sankt-Petersburg

On Monday I also recieved swap card from Sankt-Petersburg. It's beautiful picture of St. Isaac Cathedral. But It's a pity that I have stapms of Russian post imprint in the picture. But on the other hand, the post stamps are beautiful. One with whale and one with reindeer or something like that. :)
And it traveled only 5 days.
Once more time Thanks Marina for beautiful card.

Monday delivery

Hi my dear friends,
I'm here again. This monday I recieved two new card.

The first one is from Russia, city Smolensk. I like this winter picture of rising the sun, it's amazing. It traveled about 10 days.

The second came from the USA. And if I understand it well some teacher made a project for his students. And this card is sent by one member of one groups, which are involved in that. In the picture is Big Thicket National Preserve. It traveled 11 days.