
Yesteday's delivery

And finaly the last two I recieved yesterday.

Card from Belgium, Flanders. Card from the Royal museum for central Africa. In the picture is Microscopic tin of african wood types. Traveled 7 days.

And card of nature in Finland. Sent from a place close to Russian border. Traveled 3 days.

First swap

Yep it's possible to sending and recieving cards directly, it's called swaps. And I try it for first time with a boy from Japan. 
I was really surpriced that this card traveled only 6 day (including weekend), really unexpected fast. 

I think this card gonna be my favourite. Nice Himeji Castle and what I also really love is stamp. Golden-orange with some black character of japanese alphabet and when you touch it it's plastic.

Really beautiful, thanks a lot Katsunori.

Double delivery

This week on monday I recieved 2 cards.

First was from Netherlands. Very colorful. It traveled 7 days.

And second from Switzerland. It traveled 6 days.

First mass delivery

On Monday 11th February I for the first time recieved more than one card.

Card of Galata Bridge in Istanbul from Turkey. It's historic card and I really like it. It traveled 17 days.

Card of colorful clothes from India. With nice stamps with frog and monkey. It traveled 14 days.

Card of beautiful nature in Finland. I also like the stamp, it's with finish flag but it has uncommon shape. It traveled 8 days. 

And my first card writed in azbuka in russian, second card from Belarus. History card of railway station in Minsk. Stamp with snowflake. Traveled 8 days.

USA Portland

First card from non european country came to me from the city of roses- Portland in the USA. It's again one of two-in-one postcard. From a woman originally from Hungary.

It traveled 10 days.


Third card which I recieved came from Belarus. 
It traveled 9 days.

Card from Netherlands

This is a postcard from a woman from the Netherlands-German borderlands.  
As she wrote: "Cows peascefully chewing the grass." I simply like this nature sceene.

Also this Card has beautiful stapms. One with princesse Alexia and second with cute squirrel.

It traveled only 3 days.

First recieved postcard

This first postcard, which I recieved in Postcorssing. I called it two-in-one. It's send from a man who is living in Germany but originaly he comes from Sicilia. I recieved a postcard from Germany with picture of Church in Italy.
It traveled 3 days.

Who is Fierushka

My name is Eliska but in "web life" I'm using nickname Fierush or Fierushka. I'm 21 years old girl from the Czech republic. I'm a student of Biomedicine technology and bioinformatics at Brno University of technology in the second biggest city in the Czech republic.

I like to travel a lot and learn about different cultures and languages and to meet new people. That's also one of reasons why I got involved into Postcrossing project. I've been participatin in it since 13th January 2013. 

And I'm totaly obssesed by it right now. So I decided to make this blog and share beautiful postcards which I recieved. And other stuffs about my participating in this great project.

More about me
I was born in august, I'm a Leo. I'm absolutely in love this animal. I chose picture of this beautiful wild cat as my icon here because I'm as sweet and cute as this wild kitty. (OK, I'm just kidding.)

As I wrote sooner I like different languagages. I speak english, russian and basic spanish and french. But I'm learning them all the time. ;) In future I have a dream to be able to speak fluently in all of them. And also I would like to learn some more exotic language as arabic, armenian, turkish, japanese or chinese. (Yep I'm crazy, I know that.)

I like reading (mainly YA, fantasy, sci-fi, historical fiction, action). I like sport- volleyball, swimming, badminton, skating, inline, skiing and snowboarding. 

And  I also like music. I was playing piano for 11 years. I like almost all kinds of music.

I'm absolutely crazy in serials as Pretty Little Liars, Arrow, Once Upon a Time, Revenge and Glee.

If you have any question don't be afraid and ask me.